Thursday, March 18, 2010

New and Exciting Resources Can Be Found on the Blog Page!

Just to let y'all know there are some new links on the right side of the page that can take you to current blogs on education and related topics, as well as sites of schools, people, and organizations that can serve as excellent resources of information. Right now the selection is focused on alternative education, democratic and free schools, or calling the current systems goals and methods into question, but I am working on providing some links to widen the gamut of opinions and outlooks as well. Bon Appétit!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can Money Buy Education???

The following comes from an article found in Yes! Magazine entitled "Can Money Buy Education?" by Shannon Hayes.

"As a culture, we believe ... To be deemed “educated,” a person must be in attendance at an institution, where they pay money, accept the teachings offered by their professors, repeat back the opinions and lessons of the classroom, participate in a collegiate culture, and in exchange, receive a diploma. A person who becomes skilled at seeking lessons directly from the elders in their community, who learns to tap into the resources of a public library, who embarks on their own life adventures, who sets about creating their own experiments and challenging and teaching themselves, is considered “uneducated,” unless a piece of embossed paper is handed to them while wearing a cardboard hat and oversize dress."


The entire text of the article can be found at